Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Area any of these men your father or grandfather?

Bet you these fellows never in a million years ever thought that they would end up on a gay man's blog.  Salute!

We award First Place to J.W. Fox.  Overall the whole package measures up!


  1. ah, more pre-scheduled posts? sneaky, sneaky. just hope you're comfy.

    i adore these photos! they are terrific!

  2. These photos are fascinating! Great post!

  3. I'd like a J. Kuzan, please, medium large - although it was tough to pass up on the one I first read as "A. Bugger"!

  4. My first "porn" experience was a medical journal with very similar photos....so I find these really hot!

  5. I'll cast a vote for E.R. Murtey. I'm simply mad for dark-haired men with powerful legs and chest hair.
