Monday, April 27, 2020

Starlink surprised us tonight

So today was a rough one for Cookie.  Lots of worries about things I can't change and that became a worry unto itself.

This tonight, at 8:45 the husband took the dogs out and went out onto the deck, I followed and he told me to look skyward.

And up in the dark, I saw something that kind of restored my faith in mankind. 

Elon Musk's Starlink, 6, and 7 were up in the night sky.  Satellites, one after another, zooming from the northwest to southeast over our house in a perfect line, each spaced a perfect amount from the next, traveling from Westminister to the Eastern Shore.  The whole show took about a minute.  Simply unexpected and amazing.

Now the video is something from the UK.  And it certainly doesn't even hint at the beauty of these see on a clear night with your own eyes.

Yes, I know that someone people will say its space junk, but it reminded me that the world is far bigger than I.  I needed that.

Check below to see when you might see it!


  1. The man himself is an evil, arrogant, self-serving troll - but his satellites do put on a rather good show, don't they? We first saw them at the beginning of this lock-down and were mystified until I read about them in the papers, and they were over here again last week. The skies were totally cloudless, so we could see them very clearly. Jx

    1. I think he is brilliant, tyrannical, mad, and a visionary. I also find him very odd looking. It's almost like he's from another world...

    2. He also called the expert who rescued those kids from drowning in a cave a "paedo" just because he refused the spoilt child's idea of using a submarine. Then got away with it in court by calling this comment a "joke". Despicable. Jx

  2. I saw them early one morning as I was leaving for work - they're creepy.
    However, that they inspire people to look up into the night sky is a good thing - so many wondrous and "unexpected and amazing" (as you said) things to see!
