Tuesday, December 13, 2016

DHTiSH 2016 Christmas Holiday Bingo Card

Cookie gives you his 2016 Christmas Holiday Bingo Card.

Retired for this year are:

* "What do you mean your gay?"
* Getting hammered in front of Mom,
and everyone's most dreaded
* Wet kisses from your grandfather.

New for this year are:

* Christmas at Disney World
* Tree Toppled Over by Cat
* Carolers in Restaurants

And remember, this Christmas isn't about making more than your stuck up brother, or buying your child's love with more toys than they have sense, or even feeling guilty about why you haven't given your mother any grandchildren.

Christmas is about simply getting through it without doing something or saying something that will cause drama and a family schism.

There, now isn't that easy?


  1. Are we playing straight, diagonal, 4 corner, round robin, coverall, postage stamp, ring around the pie hole or coverall?

    1. If you can get any logical combination, you win the pot.

  2. I can cross off 2 - eggnog & fruitcake. since neither spouse nor I have family, the rest is moot. and we did all our shopping online.

  3. Thankfully it's just the two of us, as ever, over the Festering Season and we never do the "trapped with the family" bit. However, I am surprised that "Bloody Mariah Carey again!" and "Why is there nothing but Xmas carols on the radio?" hasn't entered this year's scorecard. Jx

  4. Does it make me strange that I would love to spend Christmas at Disney World? "Hello, my name is Scott and I'm a closet Disney Fan."

    1. Just to clarify, I'd love to spend Christmas at Disney World in lieu of spending it with my family!
