Thursday, February 11, 2016

Dishwasher, an Update

I am not evil.  The milk of human kindness flows through my veins just as sure as sap is going flow through the sugar maples in Vermont this month!

Still, yesterday, I was feeling a bit battered by Karma over the dishwasher.

And last night, no one from the store called on an update.

And this morning? Radio silence.

Finally at 11:45 I had to leave for a luncheon date with another fellow Shaker Expat living here in Baltimore.

We went to an absolutely charming place called Paper Moon for lunch.  If you ever wonder what it would look like if Pee Wee's playhouse exploded inside another building, then you understand the decor.

The food was lovely, the company completely charming, and a piece of my past (watch this space in the next couple days) was revealed in only what can be a moment of goosebumps!

Then my phone rang, it was the appliance man.  I explained that I was busy and would call him back.

Instead, after fellow Expat and I parted, I went all the way up to the store.  I sat down with the manager.

When I left I came away with a $150 credit and promise of delivery and installation on Saturday.

Still, it gives one pause to reflect.

Would I have gotten $200 for being just a tad bit evil.  More like it would have gotten me a poke in the eye.


  1. If you ever wonder what it would look like if Pee Wee's playhouse exploded inside another building, then you understand the decor.

    I’m told that’s what my house looks like.

    p.s. I'll be watching this space, as instructed.

  2. I might'a been happy with $100 and the chance to poke the manager in the eye.


  3. in 1985 you could get $200, on a good night.
