Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Our second March in lockdown


Nice try mister, but where is the face mask?

Cookie can remember a time when he really thought that maybe, after 60/90 days in social distancing lockdown, we would be over this COVID hump. 

I mean, two weeks seemed a bit optimistic, right?

And a month, well, if we must.

But two months would have been mid-May, morphed into four months, morphed into six, and well, here we are.  

At first husband was working from home for two months, then four, and well, Spring 2021.  Now comes word that he'll be working from here until spring 2022.   I don't mind it.  I have adapted.  The dogs are enjoying this, too.  But it makes one wonder why they just don't switch everyone to at home, period.  Why couldn't we move back to Ohio?   It would be the same telecommute.  But no - we are tethered here. 

Still, if I look over the past year, there are two kinds of people, and yes - I am certainly going to stereotype here:

Type C People: We are cautious.  We either stay walled up in our homes, or we venture out safely for the things we need.  When we see friends, it outdoors at a distance and there is no physical contact.  But we all try to social distance as much as possible.  These people will deeply consider the vaccine to getting the vaccine.

Type U People: These are the people who refuse to accept science, refuse to let you observe the science in peace and quiet.  They invade your space.  They think its their business to make up reasons why they don't want ANYONE to get the vaccine. 

I avoid Type U people like I avoid the plague itself. 

To that end, now Mr. Cookie and I await our shots.  Maryland is slowly opening up the appointments.  Given my breathing issues, I hope for sooner, rather than later. But we'll see. 

Today in Baltimore, it is wet and soggy.  Hoping for better days ahead!


  1. Yes, indeed - a year ago we all thought it would be over within a few weeks; even Boris was saying it would get better "after Easter". It's Easter again next week.

    I am sick of working from home, tbh. Hate it. The only exercise I ever used to get was the commute to and from work. Had I not been told I had high cholesterol and started cutting down on junk this year, I'd be like Jabba the Hutt with a laptop!

    However, our vaccination programme here is going so fast, I reckon there is some light at the end of this tunnel. And I will be able to get my stupidly overgrown hair cut!

    Keep safe. Keep optimistic. Jx

    1. I totally get hating to work from home. You miss interacting with the word, your co-workers, you desk and your stuff. And now its in our house, so neither of us can get away from it, because its always there.

    2. Absolutely! Work is for the workplace. Home is my own domain, not my employer's. Jx

  2. spouse has been told may 15 for "back to the office", but I doubt that will happen. I have been unemployed since 6/30 with no job possibilities on the horizon.

    I had my first pfizer shot on 3/5; #2 is scheduled for 4/2. spouse is still on the county wait list.

    the cats like us being home, as we are here to wait on them hand and foot.

    and we are both type C people.

    1. Yay for shots! I will get mine first - persistent asthma, then the husband will get his. HURRY April!

  3. I will be awaiting awhile for my jabs yet. But I suspected this would not blow over quickly. And now I sometimes fear I have developed a minor case of PTSD. Im finding some days I could care less to going to shops or restaurants and places with to many people again. If I was independently wealthy I wouldn't care if things ever returned to normal.

    1. Went to a major grocery about six weeks ago on a Saturday and almost had a panic attack - the place was PACKED. Had to leave and go to the neighborhood market.

  4. We've had both vaccines and are now venturing out double masked, still social distancing, and taking some of the shopping chores over for the family.Most have received at least one shot and are awaiting the 2nd dose. We're all hoping that Biden is right and this 4th of July will see us all celebrating with the rest of the family. xo

    1. And KUDOS for you still going out masked after getting shots. They say thats the thing to do. I feel like we are going to have a neighbors over for an outside dinner, but we are all still going to eat six feet apart.

  5. So, funny, because I too thought this would be short-lived. I thought, yay I get to WFH for a couple weeks... a month.. I used to worry they were going to make me go back... and now... It's a year later. I don't know what I have done with myself. I have been so many people during this pandemic. But definitely a C Person. At first? No. I didn't take it seriously until June 1st. Then... hammer down. Since then... my life... I don't recognize it. And now I fear going back to my old life for an entirely different reason. I'm not ready to go back to the way things were for a different reason now than when this began. I'm just afraid of everything.

    1. And here is the paradox of COVID-19 World. You need to have a certain afraidness of the virus to keep from getting it, so you wear masks even after getting the vaccine. But at the same time, you can't can't be afraid of restarting parts of life.
