Friday, November 2, 2018

Now is not the time to be tilting at windmills

On this Tuesday, we go to the polls.

We're coming down to crunch time, and I am going to be as clear as I can be:

The midterm election is Tuesday, November 6th. 

YOU have to vote.  And you have to vote straight line Democratic Candidates.


To free this country of the tyranny and lies of our President who is unchecked by a Republican majority in both the House and the Senate.

To address the ballooning deficit that Trump and the Republicans are creating by their reckless spending and padding of their own pockets.

To ensure that pre-existing medical conditions are protected by affordable insurance.

To end the threat to steal our hard earned dollars paid into Social Security.  We paid for it, we are entitled to it.

To end the wave of violence rocking our world.

To stop white supremacist groups.

To protect freedom of religion and the people who practice their religion.

To protect all family values, traditional and emerging.

To protect the rights of transgendered people.

To make sure public education stays strong.

To protect a woman's right to "choice".

And to hold the President accountable for every word out of his mouth and in his tweets. 

Look, I know that some of you are thinking "But democratic candidates don't support everything I support."

Adults know that real life is about making compromises. 

And at election time, we get the candidates that we get because the majority of Americans are not engaged at the local level of politics.  They don't attend meetings in the city where they live.  And they pay attention to party politics. 

So we have to make do.

We know exactly what it is that we have to look forward to in 24 months more of Trump and the Republican House and Senate because it's going to be like the last 24 months, only worse.

So think very hard before you vote.  Because your life, my life all of our lives depend on getting this right and electing one or two chambers that are going to be able to hold the President accountable for what he says, what he spends, what he signs, and what he either threatens or promises to do.

Now is not the time to be chasing unicorns and dreams.  Now is not the time to be tilting at windmills.  It's time to adult.

This is the election that determines our future. And it determines your children's future and your grandchildren's future.

Nero is fiddling and we need to put the fires he's created out.

Simple vote Democratic. 


  1. Replies
    1. You know, I am just so sick and tired of people doing stupid things. Like Voting for the Green Party Candidate Joe Manchuk in the Ohio's 12th Congressional race. WHY would anyone vote for someone who claims to have been born on another planet?

  2. I sent my ballot in weeks ago for Cuyahoga County. I am sure that you would approve of my choices!
