Wednesday, April 13, 2022

The things that are done

 What has gotten done in the Cookie house today?

Bitch, this isn't chaos for anyone but the guy in the wig.

1) The conversion to Windows11 is DONE.  And my recommendation to you is to do everything you can do to avoid it.  It is VILE and has left Cookie feeling defeated.  Jesus fucking christ, I hate what Satya Nadella and his wrecking crew have done to Windows.  And personally, he won't be getting any cosmic love from me. 

2) The TAXES are done.  And we get refunds from the Feds and our home state. 

3) The accountant's bills are paid for the taxes.  FUCK YES!

4) I told that bitch off in the genealogy group today who was whining about something that happened on a major genealogical website like 20 years. 
Bitch, "chaos" isn't what happened to that website just because it no longer finds it useful.  Chaos happens in an enemy bombing civilians trying to get away from a military attack.  Chaos happens when some criminal whips out a semi-automatic on a subway car.  Chaos is watching a highly sugared child running rampant in a meltdown while his parents do nothing to soothe that child and question their own abilities as parents.   What your problem is DRAMA, and nothing more.   And I am not buying a ticket to that show, is neither is anyone else.

So excuse Cookie while I go and take a valium, a couple of pieces of chocolate, and eat a nice juicy steak for dinner in my victory lap.


  1. For all those major headaches, I sympathise. Thankfully over here, taxes are "pay as you go" and nobody except the self-employed has to fill in any forms. As for Windows 11, I am eternally thankful that our home PC is incompatible with it. I dread to think what trivial shit they've included in this latest "improvement". Jx

    1. Stephen King could write about it and it still wouldn't convey the utter horrors, all of which they tried to peddle as new and improved. Think of VISTA, only WORSE.

  2. Bravo, Cookie. Epic smack down! As for the photo? I take it the drag shows in Texas really pack 'em in? And HOW do you get a refund, darling? I pay every f'ng year - and have the max taken out of each paycheck. And we're not talking small sums and I am a nothing - a barely poor person. I have stopped caring. It's just money... but I watch Judge Judy and people who don't even have jobs talk about these huge checks they are getting for tax refunds and I'm like... how??? I must have slept through an entire class of 'make sure you get yours.' Kizzes.

    1. She answered me back and if text had a vocal parallel, she would sound like Satan from the Exorcist. Malevolent, cruel. I asked a family member - who loves everyone, everything - who lives in the same New England town where she lived and got this response:
      "Know her? People run from her. Where she walks the ground burns, her neighbors have built tall fences, and ministers cower in fear. Calling her a shrew is an insult to shrews. Disengage at all costs." Blocking is such an effective way of dealing with people online.

  3. That photo looks like it is from a Channel 8 Big Chuck and Little John skit. I heard about the problems with Windows 11, and am avoiding installing it. The problem will be in the future, when they will suddenly announce that Windows 10 is no longer being supported, and 11 is no longer free. Don't these software companies have ordinary people testing their upgraded products, not just special engineers too familiar with how it all works, or the rare users who need some arcane feature that the rest of us have never heard of and could live happily ever after without?
