Monday, July 5, 2021

Something for almost everyone...

 ...who has a foot fetish, or loves correcting grammar.

This spooled across my Amazon ad feed, and what Cookie wants to know is, why? 

Cookie is not a foot fetishist. Cookie is not sexually into women.  I mean, Cookie does not view woman as the object of desire. Cookie does not visit such sites.  In fact, Cookie is horrified by feet.  I mean they're there for a purpose, but I just don't understand how a foot in one's mouth is a turn-on, or hygienic. 

And yet Amazon gives me this item. 

Go figure.

What I want to know is, why are the suggestions written in a manner that suggest that these piggies deserve extra special attention?   "...after the item dried apply some talcum powder evenly on the skin surface in order to care for the item and generate a good touch feeling."


And like real skin, the limit direct sun.  It may not get creppie, but it can age the material.

AND the material that is so life-like, IT MAY FRIGHTEN YOU.  As if I am not already horrified by this enough.

If I need to "bendedfreely" a toe, it will be mine, that you very much. 

As for finding shoes for this item, I bet you'll be the waggle of the storeroom in the shoe salon at Nordstrom's when you take these "foots" in for some cha-cha heel action. 



  1. Preferred for the photography of accessories including bras. Who wears a bra on their feet?


    1. Yeah, feet in bras is a very niche fetish. Very.

    2. Thanks, The Cool Cookie. At least I know now that it's not common but it exists. It never occurred to me that it would interest anyone.

  2. So this is like one of those real dolls, but just the feet? For the budget conscious or those who live in tight quarters? I wonder if you can stomp grapes with them. Will they stain? Kizzes.

  3. Now that you clicked on it you'll be marked and targeted for life!

  4. I guess there is something for everyone.
    But not me; not feet!

  5. So that you can put your foot in your mouth AND walk at the same time?

  6. Someone's algorithm is off...Needs a tweak I say...

  7. Oh, but look! You can save on your weekly grocery order!

    1. Because it "touches like jelly?" Come Mr. Device. Touches my jelly.

  8. I wonder how this algorithm found you? They would make great Halloween props, definitely Creepy enough... and the material being so lifelike it may frighten you, yeah, pretty horrific!
