Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Local gossip


So the girls are I were outside gossiping.  A family around the block sold their house for an obscene amount of money earlier in the month.  How obscene? Seven digits, two commas, not counting cents.

Part of the deal was that they had to vacate in 21 days. 


"No one knows," remarked Maribelle. "But for that money, I'd bark like a seal and catch a fish in my mouth." 

"When you are dangling that many dollars in front of someone, you do what you have to do.  Cookie, aren't they moving to Columbus?" asked Delphine.

"Not Columbus.  New Albany.  The same and not the same."

"It should have been you guys," said Maribelle.

Damn right.  

Anyhow we wondering about who these people are moving in because not one house in this neighborhood has gone "for that much money, evah," said Candy.  Candy grew up here and her great grandfather was a founding member of the community. 

Some of the girls wondered if they would have children.  Would they have teens?  Could they be empty nesters?

Please, don't be a Trumper, was something I am sure we were all thinking.

I wondered out loud if it was two men who "look better in shorts, enjoyed working outside in the sun, and wouldn't mind the ogling."

I was expecting to get a rise out of Delphine, the neighborhood prissy pants, but she just looked at the house and said "Alright by me."

This got many an arched eyebrow.  Delphine is never one to cheer on skimpy clothes. Usually, she wants to pass petitions about TV shows with too much skin. 

"Why I started watching it because I thought it would be about people playing games in costumes," she said once passing out slips of paper with an address for an online petition to clean up Game of Thrones as if Kings Landing were the red light district downtown.  "But all I see are bare-breasted women and men waving their swords."

Blue Tesla Kaitlyn (not to be confused with White Tesla Kaitlyn down the block) asked what had gotten into her.

"Ladies, It's what hasn't gotten into me. I have been cooped up in a house since March 2020 with my husband, and three teenage and 'tween girls.  That's a lot to deal with.  And let's face it, I love my daughters, but Gary isn't what he used to be."

We all agreed to that.  A lot to deal with, that is.  

Frankly, I don't know how she could let Gary even be in the same room with her.  I mean, he's nice enough, he gives me the willies.

"Was Gary anything to look at in his youth," Candy asked? 

Delphine said "kind of. I guess. Well not much. A lot happens in 20 years."  Her eyes were following one of the moving company employees.  The one with the biceps.  

"I listened to my mother and married a good Christian man. After sixteen months on lockdown and restricted access, I need some eye candy."

"Sixteen months of looking at Bill and asking what's for dinner, and were just tired of everything," said Kaitlyn.

"The husband and I are at that point.  Nothing sounds good," I added.

"But would be refreshing would be some eye candy," said Delphine. 

It certainly would, Delphine.  It certainly would be. 

But we'll see.  And if it comes true, Cookie will let you know. 


  1. Fingers crossed it's skimpy short wearing, hunky men who love yardwork and climbing ladders!

  2. I like your clutch. How nice to have neighbors you can talk to. You sure you want to give that up? Still... for a hot million? I'd be moving, too. New people moving in? How terrifying. A house just sold three down and we are on pins and needles hoping it's not a house full of rug rats.

    1. You can talk to them, but you can't trust a couple of them. Trust me, one shirtless roofing crew and Delphine will get out the rabbit, take a "housewives Holiday," and then its back to the same old shit.

  3. Please, please keep up informed-with pictures...Reminds me when I was in 9th grade living on base-military-housing-and coming to terms with my gay desires...My bedroom faced the front driveway and this military guy and his family lived next door-duplex...Let's just say this guy was a gay man's wet dream...He would go dirt biking with his motorcycle, come home, and shirtless hose off the the bike...I could watch for hours...Once he was doing something with a pig in the driveway, shirtless, and my loins were in overdrive again...I better sit down thinking about it...We need updates...

    1. Even I need cooling off after that description. It is mighty hot!

  4. Honestly - my take was from all this? New Albany: YUCK.

    1. I loathe New Albany. I remember when it was just a grain silo, and track crossing and place to put a sign pointing to Hoover Damn. Now it thinks it's the Shaker Heights of Columbus!

    2. Oh honey - no! BEXLEY is still the Shaker Hts of Columbus. New Albany is just a Les Wexner's hideout from women and Jeffrey Epstein.
