Saturday, May 10, 2014

Miss you madly

This year, she would have been 90.   86 was a good run, and if it weren't for the pancreatic cancer, who knows how much time there would have been.

I miss my mother even though there were times she drove me up one wall and then another.  But I never understood what being alone in the world was really like until after she died.

If your mother is still living, and even if she drives you absolutely bonkers, love her for everything you can.

When they are gone, they are gone forever.  


  1. I just called up my mother for Mother's Day, and am looking forward to visiting this summer.

    I also feel that I've gotten to know your mother a bit, with her very individual and interesting personality, through all the stories on your blog.

    1. She was her own person, thats for sure. I can't tell you how much I miss talking with her.

  2. Replies
    1. Bless your heart. She was a pretty woman and very sharp dresser.

  3. I agree when you say, "I miss my mother even though there were times she drove me up one wall and then another."

    I think about her every day and you're right when you say, "When they are gone, they are gone forever." You can't really know what that feels like until it happens.

    1. I think that people are all too quick to idolize the dead. No person is perfect, and I am way less than perfect and my mother wasn't perfect either. But in that imperfection rested the humor, her stubbornness and fight like your life depended on it attitude. But no one, and I mean no one could drive my bat shit bonkers like she could, and those were some of the funniest moments. She was never a lovey person, she was a survivor, and that is something in her I admire.

  4. What a beautiful post. I am catching up on your blog after being sick for a long time. So happy to find you are still here. :)

    I remember seeing this picture another time you posted it and how lovely I thought she was. I echo your sentiment, reach out to to anyone, really, who is important to you, because the cliches are true, life is short. My mother was an extremely challenging person, but I find I do miss her now that she is gone. I think when one is ill, it is almost a primal thing to want your mother, even if she wasn't very motherly.
