Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Therapists notes "Patient X"

March 2, 2024

"Patient X" (henceforth simply as X) came to his session wtoday with yet another event that has resulted in yet another example of his mother's obession with him.

Apparently, Mrs. X revealed to her son, in front of his teenage friends, that she once held a "Potty Training Graduation Party" in honor of her son's ability to toilet train when a toddler.  Evidently, X had serious issues involving the movement of his bowels and refused to toilet train as Mrs. X felt her son should have.

The party - seen image below - featuring banners made from X's training pants festooning the walls, also featured food selected to resemble bodily waste and other toilet related items.  One horrific display shows an open toilet seat filled to over flowing with chocolate donut holes.  In another picture, X is seen with him mother and another playmate - of who also I have professional knowledge of - tossing yellow balls into an open toilet seat on the floor.  And for drinks, there was apple juice for everyone.

As evidence, there are plenty of photographs, widely published on X's humiliation - the pecan praline choclate drop cookies look to be yet another form of Mrs. X's excess.


  1. I do hope that's lemonade back there.

  2. I believe that its apple juice. The piggy-in-a blankets were rolled to look like toilet paper rolls.
